Customers paying on Lay-bye option online.

Lay buy Plugin Installation


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Choose Payment Currency Option
This website accepts multiple currencies (US$ and Rands). We accept lay buy (lay aside) payment option of up to 6 months. This option is only available in US$ and PayPal. If you have a Paypal (free) account and intend paying by layby option then switch to US$.


Requirements :-

  • You must already have Paypal account.
  • You must have already installed WordPress website and WooCommerce.

Installation and Set-up

The lay-bye payment option currently only works on Paypal and only in PayPal supported currencies.

SKU: LAYASIDE01 Categories: , ,

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Choose Payment Currency Option
This website accepts multiple currencies (US$ and Rands). We accept lay buy (lay aside) payment option of up to 6 months. This option is only available in US$ and PayPal.


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Choose Payment Currency Option
This website accepts multiple currencies (US$ and Rands). We accept lay buy (lay aside) payment option of up to 6 months. This option is only available in US$ and PayPal. If you have a Paypal (free) account and intend paying by layby option then switch to US$.

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What is a lay buy payment option?

It allows the buyer or customer to pay for a product whilst on merchant’s possession and released once the last installment has been made.

Is a laybuy same as a loan then?

Absolutely not! Whilst lay-buys in South Africa are also protected by Consumer Act but there are not classified as credit agreements.

Is paying by a lay buy option safe?

The lay buy payment option offered here is powered by Paypal. So? Your down payments are activated as subscriptions. So this means you can cancel anytime . Yourself. </font></p>

What are the terms?


Choice is yours. The system allows selection of up to 6 months repayment terms.


Again choice is your here, our systems allows you to choose between 20% – 50% initial deposit on your lay-buy.

Are blacklisted individuals considered?

This type of payment option best fits the status of blacklisted buyer. Why ? There are no credit checks. NO affordability scores. No credit bureau scores. You choose the terms. You can cancel anytime.

How much will it cost me to buy on a lay buy?

Very good question. Very little. Actually less that 1% (0.90%) once off.

Lets make an example. Say you buy something for R1050.00 for 3 months and you choose to pay 50% deposit. Your once-off lay-bye activation fee will be less than R10.00 depending on US$ vs ZAR exchange rate.

Can I cancel anytime?

Yes, you can cancel anytime.

How do I cancel my laybye payments online? Do I get a refund?

1. To cancel follow these steps.

2. Yes you will get a refund. Please note that Paypal allows refund request within 60 days.

Will I pay any cancellation fees if I request refund on my laybye?

According to Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), a merchant or seller may only deduct the maximum 10% cancellation fee on lay-bye transactions. The cancellation fee is calculated based only on amounts already paid to the merchant and not future lost receipts. The balance of the refund must be paid back to the buyer within 14 days. See more.